Featured Blogs
When you are raising children with a partner, co-parent or spouse, it requires a tremendous amount of communication and cooperation. When parents can communicate and work together, the responsibilities of parenting are more manageable and set a good example of teamwork and cooperation for children.
Do you ever ask yourself, Am I a good parent? If your child is unhappy, hurt, sick, or struggling with a problem, it can easily create doubt and feelings of inadequacy in your parenting skills. So what does it really mean to be a good parent?
Fighting between siblings can include yelling, hitting, throwing things and blaming. When children are in “fighting” mode, emotions are high and children can become competitive and defensive. With peaceful resolution, your children learn steps that allow them to communicate their emotions and needs, and listen respectively to others without yelling, hitting and in the case above slamming doors.
Recent Blogs
Curriculum is not an all-or-none kind of situation for homeschoolers. Sometimes homeschoolers create their own homeschool curriculum using free resources while others may use a purchased curriculum for one or two subjects but go curriculum free for the rest.
When you look back in history, etiquette and manners have really evolved. We are not in the Victorian Age where everyone is dressing and acting in this rigid and highly formal fashion. We have become far more flexible and causal with our engagement with everyone around us. We also now have the addition of online interactions that bring up a whole new set of etiquette and manners our Victorian counterparts didn’t have to worry about. What are common etiquette and manners? And why are etiquette and manners important?
When you choose to homeschool, it’s yet another way you are using your home space. Often you’re teaching your children in the same space where your family also plays, eats, and unwinds. And how you navigate and manage your homeschool space and storage isn’t always straightforward. It usually takes a bit of research, a touch of creativity, and a large dose of hard work to make your homeschool fit into your home, your schedule, and stay well organized.
Lately I have been doing a lot of thinking about my own authenticity. As a parent, I had gotten on this merry-go-round ride of “what is right?” and I was constantly trying to seek out the right answer so that I could make the “right decision.” Then around and around I’d go with this process everyday about every parenting decision I thought was significant. Boy, is that process exhausting!